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Life at EPAM Bulgaria Embraces the Employee Voice and Builds a Culture of Collaboration, Thanks to the ‘ОneTeam’ Program

Life at EPAM Bulgaria Embraces the Employee Voice and Builds a Culture of Collaboration, Thanks to the ‘ОneTeam’ Program

Everything in EPAM starts from the idea of a colleague who takes the initiative and develops it into a complete project, engaging others along the way. That's precisely how, three years ago, the idea of OneTeam was born. OneTeam breaks the familiar work model and makes us, the employees, an active part of the organizational process and the decisions that are made. 

The project is constantly changing, and adapting to the needs of people, as it involves teams with diverse experiences and colleagues from different positions. From engineers to data specialists, OneTeam has something for everyone, inviting employees to be active in the organization. 

OneTeam groups make sure everyone feels understood and heard—like they’re part of a larger community. We have groups responsible for

  • internal communications,
  • additional well-being activities,
  • fun after-work-hours initiatives,
  • corporate social responsibility events,
  • development and innovation projects, and more

Meet some of our OneTeam working groups:

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Group Our CSR group actively monitors global Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) trends. They organize activities to support and develop EPAM communities. The company has a strong focus on educational activities, in this way, EPAM implements innovative training practices directly related to the real IT field.

Well-being Team

Our well-being organizes various events, such as mountain hikes, volleyball training, running marathons, sports camps, summer office, and free sessions with a psychologist to all employees, which provide a much-needed mental and physical break from the busy work schedule.

Event Crew

The 'Event Crew,' at EPAM focuses on fostering creativity. The team hosts events such as chess lessons, board game dinners and art workshops, as well as lively parties, which always make for great stories.

As part of a new series, we will delve into the different groups, their projects and future development plans. Our journey begins at the inception of OneTeam, where Vladimir Nachev, Country Head, and Stanislava Gorostanova, People Lead, will share insights on the idea and its implementation.

Vladimir Nachev, EPAM Bulgaria Country Head

How was the idea of creating OneTeam born?

I believe that in today's corporate world, one-man decision-making is obsolete, and I see the Company's team as a generator of business ideas and an incredible advantage in a complex world. For such a concept to work, open communication, the power to make decisions at different levels of the team and common goals shared by each of its members are needed.

What is its main mission?

The main mission of OneTeam is to make the employees in the company an active part of the management process and the decisions that are made. These may be issues related to the organization of internal communication activities, out-of-hours initiatives, or corporate social responsibility issues that EPAM is committed to in the long term. In this way, everyone in the company becomes part of something bigger.

What distinguishes the OneTeam concept for self-managing teams from the company's standard workflow and decision-making?

OneTeam is the informal network behind our daily work. Thanks to it, many otherwise complex business processes happen automatically and without creating unnecessary confusion. Of course, we also have measurable indicators and are extremely proud to rank among the top 5% of organizations with the highest employee engagement index.

Stanislava Gorostanova, People Lead

How does OneTeam contribute to the development of the qualities of the employees themselves?

As employees participate, they expand their network of contacts and worldviews, update their knowledge and improve their skills. The sense of responsibility and feeling of belonging to something significant and meaningful builds employees up and empowers them to work on ideas that they generate.  

What is the feedback from colleagues about the activities of the teams?

The fact that colleagues continuously generate ideas and topics relevant to everyone in the company, is in itself a clear sign that trust has already been built in the OneTeam concept.

What are the plans for development? 

Our plan is to increase the working groups on different topics. The variety of activities will contribute to maintaining the high team compatibility among colleagues, members of the working groups; effective and long-term results, important for the overall ecosystem in the company. 

This article is part of a well-being series providing a wealth of information on the outstanding practices and captivating stories of OneTeam. Follow along as we explore the numerous activities and initiatives organized by our dedicated well-being team.

The upcoming articles will explore the numerous activities and initiatives organized by our dedicated well-being team. So, be sure to stay tuned for more exciting updates!