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Zed 2021: EPAM’s Largest Virtual Conference

EPAM’s 2021 Zed Conference is a global, virtual conference powered by EPAM. Zed brings a true understanding of the critical topics in technology, organizational change and education to our partners, customers, teams and communities.

This year’s conference theme is Compass. Over the past year, EPAM, together with the whole world, has been navigating through a complex environment of business, political, social and health challenges. These challenges present an even greater need for people and organizations to adapt and put themselves on the right course to successfully navigate the landscapes of disruption and opportunity.

This year’s theme encourages everyone from EPAM’s diverse, global networks and communities to search out insights and connections that help us to align our personal compass with our company strategy for navigating and capturing unlimited opportunities for growth.

In 2021, Zed Conference united nearly 20,000 people as they listened to 578 talks from 574 speakers. All talks are available on-demand and to make it easier to find content relevant to a particular subject or industry. The debut of collections from We Are Community provides an opportunity for listeners to customize their Zed experience with playlists that can be created for quick access to the most interesting conference talks.

Curated collections of talks have also been created, spotlighting topics like our technology practice, Learning Week 2021 and API and Integration. Zed 2021 features great content from some of our leading competency experts at EPAM. Following are some talk highlights you might want to begin your journey through Zed Conference 2021 with: