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The Web 3.0 Paradigm Shift: A More Homogenous, Decentralized and Democratized Internet

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The Fast Mode – by Alexandra Pitkevish

The Web 3.0 Paradigm Shift: A More Homogenous, Decentralized and Democratized Internet

A concept currently circulating the internet and generating equal parts hype and speculation is Web 3.0. Various experts have weighed in, attempting to define what it is and isn't – however, what is certain is that Web 3.0 will be a decentralized ecosystem where creators of infrastructure will own their data. Gone are the days of one server and database, as Web 3.0 will move toward a homogenous way of connecting people and devices seamlessly. But, to understand the implications of this transformation, it's important to look back at Web 3.0's progenitors. 

Initially, there was Web 1.0, which was primarily a means for sharing and using the information on static pages. With Web 2.0 came the advent of social media and kicked off the age of user-generated content. What united these previous iterations was that data got stored on servers owned by massive corporations and institutions. Even if the user was the original creator of the data, they weren't ultimately the true owner. While Web 3.0 hasn't fully taken shape, it will have significant implications for how business gets conducted as it is – unlike the past – decentralized and not controlled by governments and corporations.

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