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How Does Data Literacy Enhance Data Security?

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Dark Reading – by Taryn Hess and Sam Rehman

How Does Data Literacy Enhance Data Security?

The shift to cloud computing is perhaps the most significant tech trend of recent years, with the public cloud computing market expected to be worth more than $800 billion by 2025. From decreasing IT costs to increasing opportunities for innovation, the cloud holds many benefits for companies across every industry. However, many employees are unprepared to securely set up cloud applications or unaware of how poor configuration could affect data security. One of the main reasons why organizations struggle to secure their cloud environments is a companywide lack of data literacy.

In today's marketplace, a data-literate workforce — one that uses data as a company asset in decision-making, evaluates and questions data, knows how to find data, and confidently interacts with data to derive insights and tell a story about it — is critical to business success. In a 2022 survey by the Data Literacy Project, only 11% of respondents were fully confident in their data literacy skills. It is of the utmost importance that businesses engage in efforts to enhance data literacy, which will improve data security.

Read the full article here.

Learn more about creating a data-literate culture here.