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TimeBase CE: Industry Discussion with Matthew Gorelik

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TimeBase CE: Industry Discussion with Matthew Gorelik

In the following interview, experts from the open source financial services space share their insights into time series data and front-end visualization leveraging EPAM’s TimeBase CE solution.

FINOS Director of Community, James McLeod and EPAM Product Manager, Matthew Gorelik discuss the time-series ecosystem and how TimeBase CE can stream data from multiple data sources with ease. James states that one of the attractive features of the solution being open source is that ‘you can pick it up, use it anywhere and contribute right back into it’. Matt highlights that a real benefit of the solution is the various connectors built into the solution and the opportunity to build your own that provide real-time access to market data. Additionally, TimeBase CE doesn’t require any enterprise-grade hardware and can run on your own laptop.

Watch the interview at:

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