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Why the Future of the Mall is All About ‘Blend Spaces’

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Retail Touchpoints – by Alicia Esposito

Why the Future of the Mall is All About ‘Blend Spaces’

As consumers head back to physical stores, malls and shopping centers are striving to remain relevant parts of shopper journeys that have been dramatically reshaped. EPAM Continuum, a global innovation design firm that specializes in customer experience design, recently unveiled the concept of “Blend Space” to illustrate how experiential flow and physical-digital touch points can meet a range of needs and shopping “modes.”

At its core, “Blend Space” encourages the creation of “resilient, holistic, and human-centered retail experiences.” That is why the team at EPAM Continuum believes that landlords need to be more flexible and focus on creating partnerships with current and potential tenants that encourage agility and innovation.

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